Per Your Points, Two Things Ring Out Between the Lines...
by dillon77 (2024-04-24 06:44:35)

In reply to: The Curious Case of the Classes of Two  posted by NDLAW88

1) It would be helpful for roster continuation if one of the incoming transfers would have more than one year of eligibility. As you noted, this will be that last year of Maddy, Soni and Kylee (and could be for Olivia).
A transfer like Timea Gardiner, for instance, has two years of eligibility.

2) The Class of 2025 is simply huge for Notre Dame WBB. It needs to make up for having one person in two of the last three classes. There will be fewer transfers next year as the covid extension expires.

Hence, HS recruiting will be paramount for virtually all positions, starting with forward (Leah Macy?). For a look at who the Irish are considering (at least those we know about), take a look at the Recruiting Report just above. It's been updated (and will be again, once the portal is completed.)