greatest prank ever!!!.....
by DTM (2005-11-09 01:07:25)

In reply to: your greatest campus prank?  posted by FightOnForMorrissey

i dont go to ND, but last quarter i took a loading palet from work(Lowes) and brought it to my schools parking lot. We put 6 2x4's of wood on top and jacked the thing up under a brand new Echo. Since the palet had wheels, we pushed the mother f'er all the way to the other side of campus. By the way, this was all done at 2 in the afternoon. Now that took balls!!!!

Didn't go to Notre Dame either, but
by ODDBALL  (2005-11-09 01:07:25)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

our fraternity house and the house across the street sahred a great hatred for each other. Every year there was some type of prank war resulting in some type of reprimand by the university. Here are a couple:

1.) Launched a full beer at the opposing house with a 3-man sling shot and busted the president's window. Best part was when one of our guys went over and asked for the beer back.

2.) They had a huge flag pole in front of their house so for parent's weekend we stole their flag and ran a bedsheet up it with the words "We Are Gay" printed on it. No one of there noticed until about half of the parents arrived.