First, your "explanation" is garbage.
by Ofcr. Tim McCarthy (2013-01-11 16:42:04)

In reply to: Two things  posted by Winter Celtic

You didn't get a security guy to give you "access," as you first claimed, and you sure as heck didn't get thousands of dollars of game tickets, South Beach lodging, fanzone tickets, and all the rest for $200-$300 dollars total. That laughable "explanation" is precisely what I'm talking about. And you know it. So does everyone else reading this thread. You're bad at this.

Second, since you were mooching off of people while spending thousands of dollars on your own recreation, and pretending to be broke, don't ask them if they want their money back. Tell them the truth and apologize, and send them the money back whether they ask for it or not. Not just NDN people, either -- everyone you conned. And when you do it, ask each of them to come here and tell everybody that you paid them back. You've pissed all over trust, so now it's down to verify.
