One from Breen-Phillips and one from St Ed's
by MikeyDogs (2005-11-09 01:07:25)

In reply to: your greatest campus prank?  posted by FightOnForMorrissey

The prefect on the top floor of Breen-Phillips was a dispeptic, nerdy a$$hole named Brother Lorch. All disliked him. He was regular as clockwork in getting up very early in the morning to go to mass before anyone else was up. For some strange reason, Lorch's little suite had two doors out to the residence hallway. The main door opened inward but the secondary door opened outward for some reason. The guys on the floor saved pop cans for almost an entire semester. The got up very early one morning and painstakingly walled both doors in from floor to ceiling with wall to wall cans. When Lorch opened the main door to leave he was confronted with the wall. As they had hoped, he then went to the other door thinking he could get out that way. He opened it and sent cans rattling down the hall in every direction. When he raged to the rooms to make the residents pick them up, he found nobody home on the 4th floor.

The resident head of St Ed's when I lived there was another a$$hole. His name was Fr. Durbin and he was nicked named "Bourbon Durbin" for his drinking problem. Despite numerous and constant complaints from the residents about the cockroaches that infested the dorm, Durbin not only refused to take action, he refused to even acknowledge there were roaches in the dorm. Take my word there were. I opened the medicine cabinet one night and a two inch+ roach flew out and hit me square between the eyes. Residents went on a roach hunt for a couple of days and while Durbin was sleeping off another bender pinned dozens of huge dead roaches to his door.

by ndgolf01  (2005-11-09 01:07:25)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Oh man, he was the head coach of the golf team when my Dad played. My Dad hates him to this day for some of the things he did. He basically sounds just like a typical asshole.