It was more in preparation for the coming storm of
by MrE (2024-04-05 18:13:07)
Edited on 2024-04-05 18:37:14

In reply to: Am I reading this correctly that an AD said his school was  posted by VaDblDmr

the House case ruling going against them and future anticipated player payroll expenses. My initial post was not an accurate recollection of the article - here's a snippet:

"One Power Five athletic director recently winced after taking a glimpse at his balance sheet. His financial outlook is not much different than his peers' with multiple high-speed bullet trains all coming into the station at the same time. The most unpredictable of all being expected revenue sharing with athletes through collective bargaining.

"It feels like my budget is about to look like a murder scene," that AD said.

Those projections -- typically called pro forma budgets -- are based on "what if?" hypotheticals. Like any good business person, an AD attempts to determine what expenditures are ahead and how much revenue will be coming in. Right now, they are struggling to project either."