I don't think we've reached market equilibrium for three
by VaDblDmr (2024-02-25 11:25:15)
Edited on 2024-02-25 11:27:04

In reply to: I don't know what the endgame is here?  posted by El Kabong


1) Nobody has known what the rules are, so schools are playing by different rules (or no rules in some cases), which affects how much players are being paid. Once there are rules -- whatever they are, including the possibility of unlimited free agency if it comes to that -- that will help even the playing field since everyone will at least know what the rules (or no rules) are.

2) This is all still relatively new. BUT, we have already seen players leave Texas A&M, for example, in droves, and I doubt it's because they were happy with their paychecks. In other words, I suspect their collective donors in some cases regretted what they had agreed to pay and bailed. (I don't know that, but why else would so many players leave? And it's not because they were setting the world on fire at A&M either.) So collectives are still finding their sea legs, I think, on valuing players.

3) The elephant in the room remains TV revenue reaching players. Until there is a mechanism for that to happen, nothing will finally be resolved.