People here were outraged by "Zero. None. Absolutely none."
by IrishJosh24 (2018-12-29 09:18:10)
Edited on 2018-12-29 09:24:37

In reply to: Not calling you out here but  posted by Catdog2

At least initially. It was widely discussed, and I don't remember anyone defending it as the truth or remotely acceptable. I remember it being described, by those few who defended it, as a necessary legal strategy to advance the University's BS appeal.

Of course, almost everyone seems to have moved on, accepted it, or at least gotten "used to it." It still stands uncorrected as far as I know. Mr. Swarbrick, who has been so eager to be front and center in every article and TV camera angle, has never mentioned it. In fact, he disappeared off the face of the Earth for several months right about the same time. He told us all how 2012 bought us the time to do it right, knowing about the NCAA issues and what was coming, and then he left that whopper completely alone.

But folks mostly stopped caring about these things a while ago.
