A word on opponents’ mascots. It can be confusing, I’m here
by 1NDGal (2018-09-06 13:58:18)
Edited on 2018-09-06 20:08:34

to help.

For the first time ever! For lots of reasons! And I can’t believe this is actually happening! ND is playing Ball State. They are the Cardinals. They are birds.

For my money, that bird is styled a lot like the Atlanta Falcon of the NFL.

Very similar feathers. But if you’ve seen Devil Wears Prada, you know that the fashion industry runs on knock-offs, so who am I to judge.

Moving on. Do not confuse the Ball Bird with the mascot of University of Loouh City, where we open next year. They too are the Cardinals, but with a twist.

A bird with teeth, which means he or she is very serious about things. I cannot, however, take an angry cartoon seriously. Maybe the anger stems from getting shut out of the royalties from Angry Birds. Not my issue.

On September 29, Stanford comes to ND Stadium. They are The Cardinal, singular. They are a color. Beware The Color.

But Stanford is also a tree. They can’t decide. In either case, their mascot has neither locomotion nor reason. I can only feel bad for them.

That’s all for today, children. Take this post home and get it signed by a parent or guardian. Bring it back tomorrow or you can’t go on the field trip.
