I was down there last night and will admit
by johnnysalami (2024-04-26 08:43:53)

In reply to: I love the NFL draft...embarrassed to admit it  posted by irishrock

it was pretty awesome.

However, didn't get into the main event due to capacity. Our group of four started at the Detroit Athletic Club (drinking Belle Glos wine for the board snobs), then walked around, popped into different bars/shops, saw various side shows.

I don't think I've ever seen downtown Detroit like that. Only exception would be the Super Bowl, maybe Tigers World Series.

Cops were everywhere, and I read many undercover as well. They let everyone have a good time, which included carrying open containers, very Vegas-esque. Cops just made sure no one got run over, and no one started fights.

Well done by Detroit, A++.
